2nd Week of Advent, 12/4/22


Why would John the Baptist preach repentance if it didn’t really matter?   Fr. Brian’s homily (special edition video):

1st Sunday of Advent, 11/27/22


Do you find yourself “flying” or “waddling” lately?  Advent is a great time to talk to the Lord about this! Dcn. Dave’s Homily:

The Feast of Christ the King, 11/20/22


Catch a fitting prayer for the Solemnity of Christ the King…and every day! Here’s the opening line:  Dear Jesus, I not only recognize you as the King of the Universe but the Lord of my very own life! Listen below to hear and pray it all! Fr. Chas’ Homily:

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 11/13/22


“Do not be terrified, do not be deceived, do not follow false messiahs!  Have hope in the only One who can truly save! Fr. Brian’s Homily:

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 11/6/22


“Compromise is the language of the devil.”  Applying to today’s Scripture and still today, these words give us something to contemplate! Dcn. Dave’s Homily: