Ash Wednesday – O Come, Let Us Adore, 3/2/22
Sometimes Lent can serve as a much needed reminder that “You’re going the wrong way!” Fr. Chas’ Homily:
Sometimes Lent can serve as a much needed reminder that “You’re going the wrong way!” Fr. Chas’ Homily:
Are you ready for Lent? How do we prepare our hearts? Pray about what you might “let go of” and what you might “pick up” this Lent. Fr. Chas’ video homily:
Grief in human relationships can bring us closer together or divide. What’s underneath the grief that divides us? And what happens when we invite God’s mercy in? Fr. Brian’s video homily:
There are two basic trajectories in life: trusting our lives to God or trusting in ourselves! Where do you fall on that continuum and what does it really mean to trust God? Dcn. Dave’s Video Homily:
Today’s Synod “assignment” from Bishop Boyea and Fr. Chas is the same call that Jesus makes to Peter in today’s Gospel to go and be “fishers of men!” Fr. Chas’ video homily: