30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 10/25/20


Today, Jesus helps us remember what is most important:  love of God and love of neighbor.  Fr. Brian’s Video Homily:  Fr. Brian’s Audio Homily: Fr. Zach Mabee’s Homily: Fr. Zach Mabee’s Audio Homily:  

Homily Series – Catholic Social Teaching


Now you can access the Catholic Social Teaching Homily Series all in one spot! Listen to all three weeks’ homilies that have walked through the main principles of this teaching, focusing on human dignity, solidarity, and subsidiarity. Week 1: Fr. Chas – An Introduction   Week 2: Fr. Brian – Human Dignity and Solidarity   … Continued

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 10/18/20


This is the 3rd in our series on Catholic Social Teaching, and this last homily focuses on the topic of subsidiarity. Fr. Chas’ Video Homily: Fr. Chas’ Audio Homily:

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 10/11/20


This is the 2nd of our series on Catholic Social Teaching, this one covering the sanctity of the human person and the virtue of solidarity. Fr. Brian’s Video Homily: Fr. Brian’s Audio Homily:

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 10/4/20


What are we to do in the midst of the storm that rages around us?  Be beacons of hope and strength! Catch this first of our homily series on Catholic Social Teaching, a doctrine that shapes our world view as Christians and how we are to participate and engage in public life in the fostering … Continued