Palm Sunday
Today we walk with our Lord through His Passion and death. Listen to our brief homilies to help you reflect on the Lord’s suffering and His love! Deacon Dave’s Homily: Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Today we walk with our Lord through His Passion and death. Listen to our brief homilies to help you reflect on the Lord’s suffering and His love! Deacon Dave’s Homily: Fr. Brian’s Homily:
As we continue to prepare for Easter, listen to our homilies from three great priests! Fr. Tim Nelson’s Homily: Fr. Brian’s Homily: Fr. John Linden’s Homily:
“Rejoice, O Jerusalem”. Today the Church celebrates Laetare Sunday, coming from the entrance antiphon sung at Mass. As we continue on in this Lenten Season, we hear of the Father’s love for us in the story of the Prodigal Son. Listen to our two visiting priests homilies to hear more: Fr. John Linden’s Homily: … Continued
Listen to our homilies this week as we continue our journeys in Lent and refocus on the Lord! Fr. Chas’ Homily: Fr. Brian’s Homily:
In this special homily, Fr. Chas outlines where our parish is at, how blessed we are, and how to keep a good thing going! We want our parish family to partner together to become good stewards of our time, talent, and treasure, so listen to Fr. Chas share the “5-4-1” plan and how to be … Continued