3rd Week of Advent
Happy Gaudete Sunday! Listen to our homilies as we continue to experience the joy of the Lord through prayer! Fr. Chas’ Homily: Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Happy Gaudete Sunday! Listen to our homilies as we continue to experience the joy of the Lord through prayer! Fr. Chas’ Homily: Fr. Brian’s Homily:
Fr. Chas’ Homily: The “ARRR”! Prayer Learn a simple, helpful format to equip your conversations with the Lord!
Fr. Brian’s Homily Deacon Dave Etters’ Homily
This is our last installment in our 3- part homily series as we look to Jesus as Priest, Prophet, and King. Listen to both Fr. Chas and Fr. Brian’s homilies to help prepare you for Advent! This weekend, our parish also mourns the painful and great loss of our Director of Parish Operations, Andy Bihl, … Continued
The second segment of Priest, Prophet, and King Fr. Chas Canoy’s Homily Fr. Brian Lenz’s Homily