The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, 5/26/24


The Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is not about what God has done; it’s about who God IS.  Fr. Chas’ Homily:   To see the Youth Group Ad featured in Fr. Chas’ homily and starring our local pastors, click this link!  

Pentecost Sunday, 5/19/24


We have the requirement as Christians to testify to the Truth of the Holy Spirit, the Truth that tells us who we are, the Truth that tells us for what we have truly been made!  As part of mission, we must speak the language of the Kingdom translated into words that people can understand in … Continued

Ascension of the Lord, 5/12/24


This Ascension Sunday we are reminded how God the Son ascends back into Heaven, into the life of the Trinity, with something he did not have before…our humanity. And into this eternal exchange of love, God calls us. Have you given your heart to the Bridegroom? Fr. Chas’ Homily:    

6th Sunday of Easter, 5/5/24


We are made for friendship with God! Our friendship of God is contagious and efficacious in liberating this world from its fallen state and pointing to the ultimate end of our life which is in Heaven with God forever. Dcn. Dave’s Homily:  

5th Sunday of Easter, 4/28/24


The Word of God brings life to the soul. God’s word is the natural nourishment of the human mind! When we fill our lives with the Word of God, we have the ability to live the abiding life, the abundant life he has in store for us! Fr. Brian’s Homily: