15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 7/14/24


As Fr. Chas begins a homily series in conjunction with the upcoming National Eucharistic Congress, he reminds us that whenever we celebrate the Holy Mass, a miracle happens!  Fr. Chas’ Homily:

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 7/7/24


Fr. Chas proposes two keys questions (and answers) from Mark’s Gospel today: Does our familiarity block us of all that Jesus is?  Has our familiarity gotten in the way of realizing that God is with us? Did Jesus have brothers and sisters?  Fr. Chas’ Homily:    

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 6/30/24


Jesus came to reveal the love of his Father because the revelation of that love is what changes us.   This is the journey of life…our day-by-day transformation into the image of God when we surrender, when we have faith! Fr. Brian’s Farewell Homily:  

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 6/23/24


What does it mean to “live for Christ?”  As we approach Fr. Brian’s departure to his new parish, Dcn. Dave honors the many ways that Fr. Brian does just that!  What a blessing Fr. Brian has been for us! Dcn. Dave’s Homily: