The healing and liberating Good News of Jesus Christ is what our hurting world needs, and the people of Jackson can find that here as they enter the welcoming doors of our St. John and St. Joseph Churches and St. John School!
Your support has made possible the parish renewal and the revival of faith that many of you have told us you are experiencing! I encourage you, become an official Steward of St. John! What’s a Steward of St. John? A Steward of St. John is someone who intentionally tithes to our parish and makes an actual pledge, no matter the amount, by filling out the pledge card.
And so, as past generations have done so for us, may we continue that long tradition and honor of being the Stewards of St. John! Most of all, however, I invite you to faithfully tithe as a concrete expression of your trust in God and of the recognition that Jesus Christ is truly Lord of your life.
Fr. Chas’ “Stewards of St. John” Homily:
To go to our Giving Page to set up online giving or to make a pledge, CLICK HERE!

To go to our Giving Page to set up online giving or to make a pledge, CLICK HERE!