Bread of Life Discourse:

Over four weeks, Fr. Chas and Fr. Brian cover chapter 6 of the Gospel of John. These readings describe the first teachings and signs from Jesus about the Eucharist that he will later give at the Last Supper and, after, to the whole world.








Kerygma Homily Series:

The Kerygma, or basic Gospel Proclamation, can be summarized in four words:  Created, Captured, Rescued, Response.  As Catholics, our knowledge (both head and heart knowledge) of these truths help us draw closer in relationship with the Lord and can help us help others to do the same. So, use this page to “dive into” the Kerygma, coming to “know it”…with awe and wonder and deeper understanding…so that you can start to share it more often, more comfortably, with others!

Our 2020 Kerygma homily series below was inspired by the book Rescued: The Unexpected and Extraordinary News of the Gospel by Fr. John Riccardo and his work through ACTS XXIX. 





Catholic Social Teaching:

Now you can access the Catholic Social Teaching Homily Series all in one spot! Listen to all three weeks’ homilies that have walked through the main principles of this teaching, focusing on human dignity, solidarity, and subsidiarity.