Fr. ChasDear Parish Family,

Jesus Christ has a good thing going.  God saw the mess humanity had gotten itself into and that the human family had rejected him, the very source of its existence and happiness.  The Good News is that he refuses to forsake us.  In fact, God the Son became one of us in Jesus Christ to offer his own life as reparation for the great evils we have inflicted against God and each other and to bring us back to himself, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  

To accomplish that mission beyond his earthly life and beyond Israel, he founded his Church and sent them “to go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt 28:19).  The mission of Jesus is the mission of the Church.  As part of the Diocese of Lansing, St. John the Evangelist Parish is the expression of that Church here in our little corner of the world that seeks to fulfill that mission here in Jackson.  

Fulfilling that mission here locally is impossible without YOU because you are the very instruments by which God has willed that mission to be accomplished.  Like the prophet Jeremiah, like the apostle Peter, like the very teenage Mother of God, and like countless saints before you, you may wonder why in the world God would choose you…but he does!  We may feel totally unfit for the job, but that’s how God operates…so that you know it is the work of his grace in you..  

Now, how exactly do you practically go about sharing the Good News with the folks around you?  Do you feel awkward talking about your Catholic faith, not knowing exactly what to say when someone asks why you bother going to church?  I want to invite you to something that will show you how simple sharing your faith can really be.  It’s our Diocesan Assembly, “Called By Name,” on Friday, October 21 and Saturday, October 22.  You may have to work that Friday, but if this call of Jesus to his disciples resonates with you and you’re serious about helping the Church fulfill her mission in our parish and community, I would encourage you to take a personal day to be there.

Our whole staff will be going to it.  The Diocesan Assembly will “help you inspire others with the joy of your faith.”  The three aims the Assembly is to:”

  • Help you speak with a loved one about faith without turning them off.
  • Help you share your experience of God’s love in a way that reflects your personality.
  • Encourage you to live your faith in a way that inspires others and learn to invite them back to the Church.

It is my hope to have all the people who are 1) parish representatives, 2) those who serve in the various commissions, 3) those who volunteer and all who are interested in doing so in the future, and 4) all who simply want to know how to practically share their faith not awkwardly, but naturally and joyfully, consider making the sacrifice to the Lord and attend on that Friday and Saturday, Oct. 21 and 22 at the Summit Sports Complex in Dimondale, MI, just 40 minutes away from St. John.  Get in on the good thing that Jesus has got going!

For more information and to register, please go to:

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Chas