The Men’s Club had a great meeting on Tuesday January 26 in our parish Community Room. With nearly a dozen in attendance and a few adult beverages, the conversation flowed naturally from the Super Bowl coming up in a couple weeks to how we support our children going through their First Reconciliation!

This month, the men are considering taking on a new mission, a program called “Into the Breach”. It’s a program based on small groups for men to have a chance to bond and connect at a faith based level, with the goal of strengthening ourselves and others in Christ. Below, you’ll find the “Official Trailer” video; be sure to come to the next meeting to see how we’ll put this in action!

All men of our parish are welcome and invited to join us! In addition to the opportunity to bond, we are able to perform a lot of “odd jobs” for the school and parish. The Men’s Club is open to all men of our parish, any ages, single or married. Come spend an evening with us: 7:00pm February 23!

For more information, contact Nick Arcaro – 206-6897