Fr. ChasDear Parish Family,

The send-off dinner we had for our seminarian intern, Mark Martin, was a wonderful time for all.  While many were involved, I particularly want to thank Cindy Smith, Jeanne Barrett, Dave & Marcia Etters, Linda LaRowe, Susie Powers, and some Knights of Columbus who did the lion’s share of the planning and execution.  Mark was very grateful and markedly touched by the great turnout of over a hundred parishioners and by all the support he has received from our parish.


New Faces on Staff
With our dear Suzzanne Sinkovitz leaving, we are in a diligent search for a new parish secretary/administrative assistant.  With her firsthand daily experience of the position, I have had Suzzanne, together with a couple of other staff members, do the first round of interviews.  Then Rose Noble, our Finance Manager, and I will interview the ones that pass muster.

hannahPicture1We have made progress in our search for the other vacant positions.  I am happy to announce that Hannah Stevens will be our new full-time Coordinator of Youth and Youth Adult Ministry and Angel Koerkel will be our new part-time Sacramental Preparation Coordinator.  They will work closely with our Director of Faith Formation, Todd Gale.  

Finally, we have a couple of others new faces who help on a per-event basis:  behind-the-scenes support, Owen Smith, and two musicians who will be helping direct our upcoming youth choirs, Donald Best (middle and high school age) and Matt Laura (elementary age, distinct from our St. John School choir).  Please let us know if you have a child whose musical talents you would like to see developed.  Their involvement in the choir really helps them being engaged at Mass!

angel-Picture2With our beloved Barb Dwyer retiring earlier in the year, we are still in search of someone who can fulfill our ministry to the homebound and seniors, but also someone who can coordinate efforts in women’s ministry (to complement Todd Gale’s efforts in men’s ministry), marriage and family life ministry, and the new evangelization.

The Spirit of Renewal
God continually renews his people, and it has been wonderful to hear from many of you about the spirit of renewal that you have sensed in our parish!  We thank God for the renewed interest that many are having in becoming part of St. John and in growing in their relationship with the Lord!  There are already twenty interested in becoming Catholic through the RCIA, and we have not even offered Alpha for Catholics yet, which begins on October 7!  

These new faces on the pastoral team and helping with the liturgy will help meet the needs of the increased life and activity in our parish.  Join me in welcoming them, and consider volunteering to be a part of it all!  Whatever your strengths and gifts, whether it’s your musical talents, technical know-how, or welcoming demeanor, the body of Christ can use you!

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Chas