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From the Desk of Todd Gale, Discipleship Coordinator and Spiritual Direction – 12/10/23

PRAYING THE PARISH FORWARD The current rallying cry for St. John Parish is prayer: “Discipleship Deeply Rooted inPrayer.” Prayer is the essential conversation with God, and prayer is intimately tied tothe four powerful “themes” of the four weeks of Advent; the virtues of hope, peace, joy,and love. We’ve started presenting a series called Praying the … Continued

From the Desk of Dcn. Dave Etters, 12/3/23

Advent Poetry Advent, a journey through time and space,A pilgrimage to a sacred place.With every carol, a melody's embrace,Echoing dreams of love and grace.So, in this season of wonder and glee,May your days be filled with harmony.As Advent whispers its last goodbye,Embrace the love that will never die.ChatGPT 3.5 This past Thursday was ChatGPT’s first … Continued

From the Desk of Renee Hornby, Principal – 11/19/23

Thankful in Christ I am always reminded at this time of the year of the specialness of the Eucharist in a different way. The Eucharist literally means “thanksgiving.” Each time we consume the Eucharist, we are participating in the act of thanksgiving to God through His True Body and True Blood. When we return to … Continued