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From the Desk of Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life

“Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.” (Psalm 24) Hello St. John Parish Family, As the number of us St. John pilgrims have returned from the Holy Land, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the enthusiasm and excitement with which we share about our experiences there, from Fr. Chas’ moving homily last weekend to … Continued

From the Desk of Angel Koerkel, Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation

Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Good Shepherd Sunday! Moms (including stepmoms, Godmothers, care-givers, aunts who are like second moms, and all the other possible mom-like roles out there), what do you have in common with a shepherd, particularly a shepherd of the middle east, a couple of millennia ago? You might, understandably, think, “Not a … Continued

From the Desk of Fr. Chas Canoy, Pastor

Resurrection from the Pandemic! Dear Parish Family, Though we were able to celebrate Holy Week liturgies last year, many were still leery about whether or not they should come back to Mass. As we exit from two years of Covid restrictions, this will be for many of us the first Easter Mass in two years! … Continued

From the Desk of Deacon David Etters

Lent, O Lent, Where Didst Thou Go? Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion – the beginning of Holy Week! With Easter only a week away, it seems as though Lent just flew by this year, even though there are a few days left to go (Lent officially ends when the Mass of the Lord’s Supper … Continued

From the Desk of Joseph Gruber, Parish FOCUS Missionary

This Sunday’s gospel reading is of the woman caught in adultery. I’d like to offer a couple of thoughts about how the decision made by Jesus in this gospel applied right at the moment of Jesus’ ministry, as well as how it applies right now. Adultery is a serious sin, to be sure, and on … Continued