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From the Desk of Sarra Smith, Parishioner

Greetings, parish family, and to all of those who may find themselves reading this bulletin article. Happy New Year! I am just so amazed by the Lord’s timing, especially as Fr. Chas has been deepening our understanding of the gift of prophecy and what the Lord has put on my heart to share with you … Continued

From the Desk of Todd Gale, Director of Faith Formation

EPIPHANY OF VARIOUS SORTS  We’ve written about the Feast of the Epiphany before in these pages; the arrival of the wise guys to visit Jesus and worship the King of the Jews. This time around, I’d like to share three personal epiphanies I have had recently. In general, the word epiphany is from the Greek … Continued

From the Desk of Fr. Chas, Pastor

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Dear Parishioners & Visitors, 2021 has been another topsy-turvy year, and so how important it is for you, me, and all of humanity to remember at the end of this year the perduring truth of what the birth of Jesus Christ injects amidst our frail humanity and HOW God does it. He first … Continued

From the Desk of Jan Domin, Parishioner

Our Lady of Guadalupe: Pilgrimage Experience and Beyond It is hard to know where to start to describe what I experienced on pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe….I went anticipating experiencing a physical destination; I returned having encountered the person who is my mama Mary. I will be “unpacking” this encounter for many months, if … Continued

From the Desk of Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life

Preparation and Anticipation In the week leading up to the first Sunday of Advent this year, I had some definite practice in waiting and anticipating the birth of a babe!  With our second granddaughter due anytime, we wondered if we would be heading out of town on Thanksgiving Day, that weekend, or even later… It … Continued