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From the Desk of Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life

Dear Parish Family, We are so excited to once again host our fall Come and See: Faith Formation & Ministry Event! And we invite YOU to join us on September 11th or 12th! Save the date and stop by after any of the Masses that weekend. Our ministry leaders and faith formation team are in … Continued

From the Desk of Fr. Chas Canoy, Pastor

Mary the Rocket Ship? Does the Assumption of Mary mean that Our Lady took off like a rocket ship into heaven like some of these paintings of the Assumption depict? Well, not exactly. Remember that no human being ever went to outer space until the 1960s! So for the ancients, the sky symbolized the unknown, … Continued

From the Desk of Kristi Blair, St. John Elementary School Principal

Greetings Parish Friends, Grace, gratitude, and grit! That phrase was on every weekly St. John School (SJS) faculty meeting agenda and parent newsletter throughout the 2020-2021 school year. It was part of my daily prayer and came out of my mouth too frequently to count. Those three words served as a reminder of God’s loving … Continued

From the Desk of Joseph Gruber, Parish FOCUS Missionary

Marriage and the Eucharist We’re into week 2 of the 6th chapter of John marathon! This is when we first get the titular line of the chapter, Jesus saying that He is the “Bread of Life”. Exciting stuff for our Catholic faith! We’ll be hearing more in the coming weeks about how Jesus satisfies when … Continued

From the Desk of Deacon Dave Etters

Insufficiently Adequate In today’s Gospel reading, we have St. John’s account of the feeding of the 5,000. You might be wondering why, in Year B (Gospel of Mark), we look to John’s account when Mark records this miracle as well. I will tell you…I don’t know. But, what I do know is this mountain scene … Continued