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Faith Formation at St. John: An Annual Report

One of the primary tasks of a Catholic parish is the spiritual education and formation of all the parishioners. St. John and St. Joseph have a long history of providing religious education and Sacramental preparation to the Catholics of Jackson, and we are so proud to stand in that historical line of holy and talented … Continued

Cooperating with God’s Grace

Hello Parish! I recently had the opportunity to teach my fellow missionaries at FOCUS’s summer formation at St. Mary University in North Dakota, and it was an incredible time! FOCUS spends five weeks each summer training new missionaries to go out to the college campus to spread the Gospel and to raise up people who … Continued

Looking Back… and Moving Forward

Last summer at this time we were in the midst of promoting the upcoming Diocesan Assembly:  Made for Happiness. And even if you weren’t able to attend the assembly last fall, you have undoubtedly noticed the ripple effects of that day here in our parish and diocese.  Much of that impact was inspired by the … Continued

Kerygma Encounter Retreat!

The diocese will be hosting the Kerygma Encounter Retreat at Our Lady of Fatima on August 17 with our very own Todd Gale (Director of Faith Formation) and Angel Koerkel (Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation) presenting and as a St. John parishioner, you are offered a special discount (see the registration page for fee information)!  This … Continued

Corpus Christi Sunday

Corpus Christi I remember Bishop Boyea at the second Diocesan Assembly shouting out to the large audience! What’s the most important part of the mass? Embarrassingly, I seized up under the pressure of an immediate response. However, my fellow Catholics bailed me out by loudly responding in unison: “The Eucharist.” The Feast of Corpus Christi … Continued