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Testimony: Resurrection Experience

Testimony: Resurrection Experience, by Julie Pienkos (Pastoral Council Member, Parish Rep, and Musician) I’ve been a Catholic all my life, but it wasn’t until two years ago that I put any effort into engaging with the Lord personally. Then God led me on an amazing journey culminating in a real resurrection experience. My life has … Continued

Why Do We do That? Curiosity Corner…

We all have questions! This new “Curiosity Corner” is meant to give some answers about “why we do what we do” as Catholics. We recently had a parishioner ask this question: “Isn’t praying (worshipping) Mary wrong? I grew up Catholic, but now I wonder if it’s wrong to pray to Mary…1st Commandment: Thou shalt not … Continued

Good Shepherd Sunday and Mother’s Day

Hello Parish! “My sheep hear My voice,” says Jesus in today’s Gospel reading, “I know them, and they follow Me.” What a gift it is to know the voice of one who loves us! On this, the celebration of the fourth Sunday of Easter and the secular celebration of Mother’s Day, we can reflect on … Continued

First Communion Photos – 2019

Congratulations to our First Communicants and their families as they celebrate this joyous time! May you always delight in the presence of the Lord in the Eucharist and have His Banner over you be His Love!   

From the Messy Desk of the Youth Minister…

  Dear St. John family,    This weekend we’re celebrating some of our very own receiving the Eucharist for the first time! It’s a happy, holy, exciting time of the year, and it’s one of my favorites to experience. The look of awe on our children’s faces as they participate in the Mass completely transforms … Continued