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Lent: On the Fast Track

When Jesus talks about prayer, fasting and alms-giving he assumes we are already doing those spiritual practices. He says “WHEN you pray… WHEN you fast… WHEN you give alms…” We’ve spent a lot of time on the topic of prayer this year, and we will be spending some time on alms, stewardship and tithing. For … Continued

How Do Our Souls Walk Toward God?

Join us for 5-part Lenten Series! Come for Stations of the Cross and walk in the footsteps of our Lord, then stay for a light meal and stories of faith. Dcn. Dave Etters will take us through different souls journeys as they grew ever deeper with the Lord and encountered His divine Mercy. As we … Continued

4 Senses of Studying Scripture

Happy Sunday, everyone! How do we study the Bible? Traditionally, the Church teaches that every story in the Bible has four senses, or ways of reading it. Remembering these four senses can give added weight to our experiences studying the Scriptures at Mass and at home. The literal sense: Real people told real stories about … Continued

Continuing Education: Study

For many careers today, continuing education goes without saying.  Those in countless professions are expected to consistently learn more about their chosen career every year.  As technology advances, methodologies move ahead, and general understanding of the dynamics of a job increases, employers not only expect but mandate that their employees grow in knowledge.  And it’s … Continued