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Who Will You Invite?

Our parish is now launching its 9th large group session of Alpha!  We started back in 2015, and in these past four years, many of you have taken part, helping out, enjoying the fellowship of the event, but more importantly learning more about Christ and, in doing so, drawing closer in relationship with Him. Initially, … Continued

From the Messy Desk of the Youth Minister

These past few weeks, our high school youth group has been looking at the way our Lord reveals himself through Scripture and our own relationship with Scripture. It’s not only been helpful to go through as a group, but it’s been helpful to me personally. I love words. In college I studied journalism because I … Continued

Diocese of Lansing: The Man Event

Men, come to grow in your faith at the annual Diocese of Lansing’s Catholic Men’s Conference. In carrying out the tradition of providing an atmosphere of support and helping the Catholic men among us to courageously live a Christ-centered life in today’s world, this year’s theme will focus on how to ‘wear the armor of … Continued