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Growing and Going During Lent

Dear Parish Family, So how did your first week of Lent go?  Have you been able to dedicate some time to be with Jesus in the desert and engage your demons in spiritual battle?  Maybe the desire to go deeper with the Lord is there, but you just haven’t figured out how.  Or maybe it’s … Continued

Confirmation Retreat – Lean on Me

Our Confirmation retreat is almost here! This retreat is MANDATORY for all 8th grade students who wish to get confirmed this coming Fall. We will be meeting in the St. John Parish Center –this is a location change! We apologize for the inconvenience. We are excited to spend the day with our confirmation students as … Continued

O Come, Let Us Adore! – This Week!

This Friday, come join us for our special Holy Hour, O Come, Let Us Adore! We will be worshiping the Lord together through beautiful song, hearing a message from Fr. Brian, and encountering the Lord in the Holy Eucharist. Prelude music starts at 7:00 p.m. with Adoration beginning at 7:30 p.m. Come and let your … Continued

First Reconciliation Pictures

The rest of our second graders received the sacrament of Reconciliation on January 23. 2018. Thank you all the teachers, parents, priest, and faith formation team members who made this a memorable night for the children and their families.   Photo Credit: Sarah DeLuca