Now the Green Blade Rises

This Sunday’s gospel passage begins with a request to Philip by some Greeks, who would like to see Jesus. They wanted to know more about Jesus and wanted to come to believe in Him. In his own lifetime Jesus’ ministry was almost exclusively confined to his own people. (Romans 15:8). The Greeks who came asking … Continued

You Are Called. You Are Gifted.

Dear Parish Family, You were not meant to live just a humdrum life, wondering if this is all there is.  You were meant to know your God-given purpose and be invigorated in fulfilling it.  Did you know that?  God has gifted you in unique ways by which you manifest his power and providence to this … Continued

Reborn in Love

God’s love is universal and at the same time it is personal. Our God is concerned of each person individually yet at the same time he loves us as a community. The Love of God is made tangible in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus has shown us the Father’s love and calls us to … Continued

O Come, Let Us Worship!

Dear Parish Family, How has your Lent been thus far? Have you been able to fast from whatever gets in the way of allowing the Lord Jesus to enter more deeply into your life? It’s not too late to do so because the two biggest Lenten events we are offering at the parish are still … Continued

If you cannot follow the house rules…

If you cannot follow the house rules find your own house.” My eyes struck on those bold letters stuck to the fridge. As she realized that I was looking at it and wondering what it meant, she said “this is needed in a family where there are growing up teenagers. They think they are smarter … Continued