The Holiday Season Is Also Flu Season!

Dear Parish Family, The Holy Day season also means that flu season is upon us.  Thus, please use discretion during the celebration of the Mass, particularly in two areas:  1) at the “Our Father” and the sign of peace and 2) at the reception of Holy Communion. At the “Our Father” and at the sign … Continued

Nothing is impossible for God

Angel Gabriel said to Mary “Look! You are to conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus (Luke 1:31) .In a flash, she recognizes the new challenges that will emerge in her betrothal and the crisis into which this pregnancy could throw both families, and she said to the … Continued

Happy Gaudete Sunday!

Dear Parish Family, Happy Gaudete Sunday!  Gaudete means “Rejoice,” and we rejoice because the “Lord is near at hand!”  We’re over the hump, the halfway point, in our preparation for the coming of our Savior. Let us express our rejoicing together at the Friday evening Hour of Adoration, “O Come, Let Us Adore Him!” at … Continued

Rejoice In The Lord Always

The third Sunday of Advent is called “Gaudete Sunday” because the Mass for this Sunday begins with the opening antiphon: “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Be joyful, because we are preparing for the very joyful occasion of the birth of Jesus. We light the rose candle to remind ourselves that our joy is in God … Continued

O Come, Let Us Adore Him

Dear Parish Family, I was able to visit my folks in Missouri for Thanksgiving and thus able to tell them all about parish life.  There is much for which to be thankful, the greatest of which is the gift of God giving his very own self to us in Jesus Christ.  All gifts come from … Continued