From the Desk of Fr. Chas Canoy – June 2, 2024

SUMMER IS UPON US!  PLEASE DRESS FOR WORSHIP! Dear Parish Family, During this time of the National Eucharistic Revival, there is a greater emphasis on celebrating and honoring the Real Presence of Jesus our Lord in the Eucharist.  So especially if you’ve never attended an outdoor Eucharistic procession, this is the year!  TODAY (Sunday, 6/2 … Continued

From the Desk of Dcn. Dave Etters, 5/26/24

“It Doesn’t Make an iota of Difference.” Many of us have heard, or perhaps even used the expression, “It doesn’t make an iotaof difference.” It is used to indicate how small or inconsequential something might be,its meaning derived from ‘iota’ the smallest letter of the Greek alphabet. Actually, anexample is found in the Gospels. In … Continued

From the Desk of Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life – 5/19/24

Have you ever heard of “Holy Spirit tears” or the gift of tears? It’s more than “happy tears” or crying because you’re relieved or overjoyed. True “Holy Spirit tears” are actually a charismatic gift…from, as the name implies, the Holy Spirit.  I hadn’t heard of this gift until a few years ago, but when it … Continued