Agents of Mercy

After the Baptism, filled with the Holy Spirit Jesus began his ministry from his hometown of Nazareth. Even though Jesus pointed out the hypocrisy and meaningless practices of the Pharisees, Jesus obeyed the Scripture and God’s commandments. On the Sabbath day as it was commanded by God, he goes to the synagogue to observe the … Continued

What Will you Do on January 22?

Dear Parish Family, Have you signed up to get your free 8X10 portrait and parish/school directory?  We’ve had a great response in this first week of signups for our Church and School Directory.  Signups continue after Mass this weekend.  The first week of photo sessions are almost all filled up!  There are still many spots … Continued

The Miracle of the Transformation

The first miracle Jesus performed was the turning of water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana (John 2:1-11). Jesus turned water into wine to prove that He’s the source of life. Changing the water into wine offered a symbol of the new spiritual life Jesus brings to humanity. When we compare the first … Continued

Happy Epiphany!

Dear Parish Family, Due to the bulletin publishers’ deadlines for the holy days, I am writing this to you on Dec. 23, even before the Christmas season begins.  Thank you in advance to all our parishioners who have volunteered for the special hospitality we extended to all those attending our Christmas Masses.  By being attentive … Continued

A Message from our Pastor

A Message from our Pastor, Fr. Chas Canoy Merry Christmas!  On behalf of the whole parish family of St. John, I welcome you and wish you a blessed and merry celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord.  We are overjoyed that you have joined us for this special Mass.  Our church may be fuller and … Continued