
From the desk of Deacon Mike McCormick… The term  Advent actually means coming.  It is a period of four weeks that we should increase our prayers and set aside time for reflection on the true meaning of our faith. In the early day of our Church, it was suggested that we fast much like we … Continued

Upcoming Advent Opportunities

From our Director of Parish Life, Shayne Slough… I don’t know about you, but the weather lately has me feeling completely confused about what season we’re in.  It seems we have transitioned from fall to winter to a spring thaw all within the matter of a week! But for us as Catholics, the beauty of … Continued

What’s Happening at St. John the Evangelist Elementary School

From St. John Elementary School Principal, Kristi Blair… Exciting things are happening at St. John Elementary School!  We have had a busy start to the school year.  Our students have celebrated All Saints Day, our NWEA math scores continue to climb, and congratulations go out to our 2019 “Art a Loan” finalist.   We love to … Continued

Reflecting on the Readings for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

From our Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation, Angel Koerkel… “I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.”  This is the last line of the Nicene Creed, which we repeat at every Sunday Mass. This prayer has been around a long time and is a summation of our … Continued

Celebrating the Mass Ad Orientem at St. Joseph Oratory

Our columnists for this bulletin are Pastoral Council member, Ray Gorczyca, and Dcn. Al Krieger of our St. Joseph Oratory.  They had approached me with an idea of presiding at Mass in a way that has been done for centuries called ad orientem, but using the current Novus Ordo, not the Extraordinary Form. After discussion … Continued