Dear Parish Family,
Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, better known as Corpus Christi. That’s not just a city in Texas; it is Latin for the Body of Christ. Show honor and praise to Jesus for this supreme gift of himself by coming to the regional Corpus Christi procession today at 2:00 p.m. at our St. Joseph Oratory at 705 N. Waterloo. There are pictures from last year’s procession later in this bulletin.
Congrats to our high school graduates, both from Lumen Christi and our Jackson area public schools! In celebration, we’ll be having the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass, followed by a tasty breakfast, in their honor on June 5! Do you know someone who is graduating? Please let them know to show up in their cap and gown, and let Hannah Stevens know if they would like a part in the liturgy (such as taking up the gifts or reading a petition).
Alpha is “Easy Like Sunday Morning!”
When you first heard about Alpha, did it spark an interest to attend, but the time and day just didn’t work out for your schedule? The first two were Wednesday and then Friday evenings. Now, we will be offering our third Alpha on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:45 a.m. beginning Sunday, July 10! PARENTS of young kids will love that they will be able to come, as there will be activities for the children, such as crafts, coloring, and videos!
What is Alpha again? It is an opportunity exploring the meaning of life and the person of Jesus Christ with other people (hopefully new friends) wondering about the same thing, where you are free to question in a nonjudgmental environment…all the while having a good meal! It is great not only for your family and friends looking to fill that spiritual void in their lives, but also for YOU, whether you do or don’t have that living and personal relationship with God. Even as a priest who has had years of prayer and study, I find the Alpha sessions edifying because God is inexhaustible. You can always go deeper in the basics of Christianity! Check out Alpha’s sharp website,!
“Wait, this doesn’t begin until July 10?”
So why am I telling you about Alpha now? Because I would like you to think and pray about who to invite. It may take some time and following up. Think about those folks in your life who have asked you a spiritual question about life or those with whom you have had a spiritual conversation. Maybe they have asked about God, but have no living relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for and invite him or her. Accompany them in their spiritual journey, and you may just find yourself growing deeper in the peace and strength of God!
Especially for those who have lost a loved one in the service of our country, I hope to see you at the Memorial Day Outdoor Mass at beautiful St. John Cemetery on May 30 at 9:00 a.m.! Don’t forget your lawn chair! In case of inclement weather, Mass will be at St. John Church.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Chas