Nativity of the Lord, 12/25/22


We celebrate Emmanuel, God Is With Us, not just at Christmas but every day! Jesus the Prince of Peace, wants to minister to YOU. Need some help re-orienting?  Listen to our two powerful Christmas homilies! Fr. Chas’ Homily:   Fr. Brian’s Homily:

4th Sunday of Advent, 12/18/22


As we reach the 4th Week of Advent, Fr. Brian prompts us to consider: “Time is short and Christmas (game day) is coming, and the question is, ‘Are you ready?’” Lean into some further preparation of your heart before Christmas and listen to (or review) Fr. Brian’s Homily:

From the Desk of Dcn. Mike McCormick, 12/18/22

Peace All through his public ministry, Jesus says, “Peace be with you,” at mass the priest says, “Peace be with you,” and many masses end with, “This mass has ended; go in peace to love and serve the Lord through one another.”  Peace is one of the themes of Advent as we await the birth … Continued

3rd Week of Advent, 12/11/22


On Gaudete Sunday, halfway through the Advent season, Fr. Chas reminds us of two things: REJOICE and REPENT! Fr. Chas’ Homily: