16th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 7/19/20
Fr. Brian encourages us to look at ourselves through the lens of life, death, and judgment, helping us to better order our lives towards God and seek to be better than just “good enough.”
Fr. Brian encourages us to look at ourselves through the lens of life, death, and judgment, helping us to better order our lives towards God and seek to be better than just “good enough.”
Our guest homilist, Dcn. Mark Martin, reminds us of the importance of being rooted in Christ and how, as our spiritual hunger is satisfied, we can bear much fruit. Dcn. Mark Martin’s Audio Homily:
On this 4th of July weekend, Fr. Brian recalls the founding of our nation built on a trust in God’s Providence and reminds us that to truly bring about peace, we must, like our founders, pledge our lives, fortunes, and our sacred honor to one another. Fr. Brians’ Audio Homily:
How do we help today’s current situation? Listen to Fr. Chas’ homily where he explains that we all have a part in the “invasion” of God’s love! Jesus enlists us in the “war effort” to take up our cross and follow Him, bringing His love to a hurting world! Fr. Chas’ Audio Homily:
On this Father’s Day weekend, each of the homilies point us toward our need for faith not fear. Fr. Chas’ homily: Fr. John Whitlock’s homily: Fr. Jim’s homily: