We have a date for Confirmation! Our regional Confirmation will be celebrated by Bishop Boyea at Our Lady of Fatima Parish (913 Napoleon Rd, Michigan Center, MI 49254), Sunday, October 15, at 2:00pm.
There will be a final meeting for all Confirmation candidates, sponsors, & parents at St. John on Sunday, October 8, at 2:00pm.
PLEASE be aware of the locations:
final meeting/practice is at St. John on October 8
Confirmation is at Our Lady of Fatima on October 15
For more information see the Confirmation Letter linked here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact myself, Todd Gale (todd@stjohnjackson.org), or Clare Kolenda (clare@stjohnjackson.org) any time!
We are very excited to celebrate this amazing sacrament with you. In the mean time, see you at Mass!