Good morning and welcome back to life after the Christmas break! The new year promises great things for you as you plan your wedding and one of the blessings is a wonderful one day retreat for couples.
This retreat day, called “God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage” is a mandatory marriage preparation class at St. John, but we promise that it will be a day well spent for both of you.
The next available date is this coming Saturday, January 9. We begin at 9am right at the parish community room, break for an independent lunch, and finish up about 3pm. The registration form is here: God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage
If you can’t make it this Saturday there are a couple of other options available that you can choose from on the sign up form. This retreat day is a beautiful way to begin your marriage prep together, and it is strongly recommended that you attend at least six months prior to your wedding date, although the sooner the better!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions and have a blessed day!