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From the Desk of Todd Gale, Director of Faith Formation

THE ONE THING NECESSARY Most of us are probably familiar with the story in Luke’s Gospel about Martha and Mary. Some of us feel like Martha gets a bum rap—it seems she is trying to serve Jesus with hospitality while her sister gets away with loafing around. But if we were to read the story … Continued

From the Desk of John Richards, Director of Parish Operations

Renovation News! Dear Fellow Parishioners, Here is an update on the latest capital projects that we have going on at our facilities. We are very grateful to those contributing to the Capital Campaign fund. With rising costs everywhere, we appreciate your generosity in keeping the facilities in good condition as we continue to do God’s … Continued

From the Desk of Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life

The Four Levels of Happiness: Coming to St. John on 9/17/22! Register here:   “We all want to live happily; in the whole human race there is no one who does not assent to this proposition, even before it is fully articulated.” —St. Augustine I’m sure many of us remember the Made for Happiness … Continued

From the Desk of Kristi Blair, St. John School Principal

When I was younger, I enjoyed doing cross-stitch needlework. A friend once likened cross-stitch to life. Sometimes we see only the mess of tangled thread on the backside, but God sees how it all comes together to create a thing of beauty. As I’ve gotten older, I can see more clearly the way the tangled … Continued