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From the Desk of Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life

Happy Laetare Sunday! Rejoice! I was quite excited to see that this weekend’s 2nd reading is from St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians as that’s what our instructor just recently led us through in the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan Year Two class that my husband and I have been attending this past year. … Continued

From the Desk of Kristi Blair, St. John Elementary School Prinicipal

St. John the Evangelist School – Where Faith and Family Meet Academic Excellence Faith – Our Catholic faith is at the core of who we are and all we do. Daily prayer and religious instruction, weekly Mass, Sacramental preparation, virtue and character building, and monthly Adoration provide a firm spiritual foundation. Even our littlest preschool … Continued

From the Desk of Fr. Chas, Pastor

Let’s Keep a Great Thing Going! Dear Parish Family, As we enter into the second Sunday of Lent, when we focus on the stewardship of our parish and our diocese, I want to express one message loud and clear: THANK YOU! Thank you for responding so generously to the 5-4-1 Generosity Challenge! As your pastor, … Continued