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What is an Antiphon?

From our Director of Music Ministry, Dominic Kryst… You have probably noticed that we have been chanting the Entrance and Communion Antiphons at each Mass. At some Masses during Communion, we have been singing the antiphon in its entirety, including the psalm verses, before singing the Communion Hymn. But why are we doing this? The … Continued

Healing Ministry

From our Director of Faith Formation, Todd Gale… Our parish leadership has discerned that, in our call to becoming missionary disciples (evangelization), a key step is focusing our parish efforts in the upcoming months in the area of healing.  By equipping those interested parishioners with the tools of healing and prayer ministry, thereby making available … Continued

Come and See Event: Becoming Missionary Disciples

From our Director of Parish Life, Shayne Slough… Come and See.  Three simple words.  Three powerful words.  These are the words spoken by Jesus when disciples of John the Baptist asked Him where He was staying.  Jesus’ invitation to them was “Come, and you will see”; their decision to do just that changed their lives!  Then, … Continued

On the Topic of Evangelization

I remember being asked years ago, “Should we evangelize people who are already happy where they’re at?” If someone isn’t really struggling, hasn’t been suffering, doesn’t know grief, and seems to generally not fall into St. Paul’s category from Romans 7 of those who don’t do what they want to do and do do what … Continued