40 Days for Life!

Dear Parish Family, The recently canonized saint, Mother Teresa, was not only a champion of the poorest of the poor, the abandoned, and the dying, but she was also one of the most courageous voices in the world for preborn children.  She emphasized the point that, if we have a society that says it’s okay … Continued

How do I get my loved one back to Church?

Dear Parish Family, So many have wished and prayed that their loved ones or friends would find their way back to their Catholic faith or encounter Jesus in a transformative way.  Well, these heartfelt desires of many are precisely why we offer Alpha courses!  They are part of the answer to your prayers because Alpha … Continued

Jesus Calls You by Name

Dear Parish Family, Jesus Christ has a good thing going.  God saw the mess humanity had gotten itself into and that the human family had rejected him, the very source of its existence and happiness.  The Good News is that he refuses to forsake us.  In fact, God the Son became one of us in … Continued

Welcome Clare!

Dear Parish Family, With Hannah’s recent departure we didn’t want to lose the momentum of having our youth program. Thus we have hired an Interim Coordinator of Youth Formation. I’ve asked her to introduce herself below. Fr. Chas     Hello Parishioners of Saint John! It is such an honor to be able to join … Continued

Highlights from World Youth Day!

Dear Parish Family, In today’s first reading, the Lord says, “I come to gather nations of every language; they shall come and see my glory.”  What a fitting verse to begin sharing with you about last month’s experience of serving 13 young people as a spiritual guide at World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland.  World … Continued