Dcn. Brian Lenz Coming to St. John!

Dear Parish Family, As you may know, July to June is the fiscal year for the Diocese of Lansing and also the time when any new priest assignments take effect.  Those are often made known in the month of April.  I am very pleased to announce that Deacon Brian Lenz, who will be ordained to … Continued

Do You Really Love Jesus?

If your spouse asks you the question, “do you really love me?” What will you reply? Instantly you will answer non categorically that you do. But if again asked you a second time what will go through your mind? And if again repeated for a third time the question, surely you will begin to doubt … Continued

Happy Easter!

Dear Parish Family, HAPPY EASTER to you and yours!  This Divine Mercy Sunday is the last day of the “Easter Octave,” which is eight straight days of solemnities to celebrate the kickoff of the Easter season.  We had a beautiful Easter Triduum that saw 25 people receive at least one of the sacraments of initiation … Continued

Welcome Home!

This past weekend was AMAZING!  If you weren’t able to be with us for the Easter Vigil on Saturday, we welcomed home more than 20 of our brothers and sisters in faith.  Many of them received all of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion; several received various of those depending on their … Continued

His mercy endures forever.

Pope John Paul II established the Sunday after Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday. The Divine Mercy, of course, is the unconditional love of God seen from the point of view of the sinner. It is the fidelity of the love of God. Divine Mercy Sunday can be seen as the convergence of all the mysteries … Continued