A Message from our Pastor

A Message from our Pastor, Fr. Chas Canoy Merry Christmas!  On behalf of the whole parish family of St. John, I welcome you and wish you a blessed and merry celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord.  We are overjoyed that you have joined us for this special Mass.  Our church may be fuller and … Continued

Being a Gracious Host this Christmas!

Dear Parish Family, Christmas is coming!  For many, that will entail getting the extended family together.  I encourage you to be sure and invite them to your spiritual home of St. John as well.  This is the time of year when nominal Catholics, non-Catholics, and even the non-Christian are most open to going to church. … Continued

The Jubilee Year of Mercy has Begun!

Dear Parish Family, With Pope Francis’ opening of the Holy Doors on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy has commenced!  What all of this entails will be explained throughout the year in homilies, bulletin articles and faith formation events.  What is our Holy Father Francis’ hope for … Continued

“O Come, Let Us Adore Him” Friday December 11

Dear Parish Family, Some of the scenes from Black Friday were pretty crazy!  Don’t let consumerism take over this holy Advent season of preparation.  Relax and take time to focus on the Prince of Peace.  Our “O Come, Let Us Adore Him!” event this Friday is the perfect time to do that, as our church … Continued

How to Have a Blessed Advent

Dear Parish Family, We appreciate things more when we get a chance to properly prepare for them.  This goes for celebrating Christmas, and the Church has an entire liturgical season just for this preparation.  The season of  Advent, however, is not only meant as a preparation for Christmas, but also for the final and definitive … Continued