Heritage Hall idea

Dear Parish Family, The Church’s liturgical year comes to an end this Saturday, and a new one begins Nov. 29 with the first Sunday of Advent! On Nov. 9, I was walking in a mall and already there was a Santa booth. We were still nearly three weeks from the season of Advent, and our … Continued

The Last Catholicism on Tap for the Year!

Dear Parish Family, Have you had any family or friends who are not Catholic (or not practicing the Catholic faith in which they grew up) ask you a question or two about Pope Francis or Catholicism in general?  Take up the charge given to you by Christ as a member of his Body to reach … Continued

Meet Dennis & Rose Wingfield!

Dear Parish Family, The departures of Barb Dwyer and Ben Dandrow from our staff have left some big holes to fill. While no one can replace them, we thankfully have two very qualified people who will join us as part-time employees, Dennis and Rose Wingfield. And yes, they happened to be married! Dennis and Rose … Continued

You’re called to be a Saint!

Dear Parish Family, This year, All Saints Day falls on a Sunday.  Inspired by all our brothers and sisters in heaven who have gone before us, it’s a great day to remember that each and every one of us is called to be a saint.  “Not me!” you say.  But remember this:  “Every saint has … Continued

October is the Month of the Holy Rosary!

Dear Parish Family, October is the month of the Holy Rosary!  There are a number of ways to observe this, one of them obviously being to pray the holy rosary.  Pray daily if you can, even if it is only one decade a day.  Maybe try a novena of rosaries from Oct. 24 to Nov. … Continued