Follow-up Town Hall Meeting #2 on Dec. 20!

Dear Parish Family, With the “Witness to Hope” Campaign beginning in January, we will be having a follow-up Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, December 20.  Once again, it will be a 6:30 p.m. social gathering with the meeting itself beginning at 7:00 p.m. There has been a lot of parishioner input through this feasibility study … Continued

Meet our new Finance Manager, Marvic Welch!

Dear Parish Family, We are excited to introduce Marvic Welch, who will be fulfilling the lion’s share of the duties Rose Noble had as Finance Manager. Marvic comes to us with a recent background in bookkeeping and project management and teaches online business classes at a local college, having done so for other colleges for … Continued

Meet our New Director of Parish Operations, Mr. Andy Bihl!

Dear Parish Family, Last week, I wrote a little bit about our new Director of Parish Operations, Andy Bihl.  With his passion, personality, experience, and eagerness to make Jackson his new home, he was the clear choice among the parish and cemetery staff.  I wanted to give him the opportunity to introduce himself, as well … Continued

Our New Director of Parish Operations!

Dear Parish Family, We are pleased to announce that we now have a Director of Parish Operations, Mr. Andy Bihl! He has a wealth of applicable experience, including being the Director of Facility Services for seven years for Sodexo, serving three college campuses. Prior to that, he worked for Aramark/ServiceMaster for over twenty years, including … Continued

Will You Be a “Witness to Hope”?

Dear Parish Family, As the Mother Church of Jackson established in 1856, St. John Parish has been here in Jackson for generations. Those generations have kept our parish church and school strong, and now it is our turn. As you may have heard, our parish is undergoing a feasibility study right now to help determine … Continued