A Powerful Pentecost

Dear Parish Family, It has been a roller coaster of emotions this past week.  Presiding over the funeral of my mother Lolita, burying her remains, and grieving her loss have been tough.  At the same time, God’s grace has revealed itself in powerful ways, comforting us with the great hope that we will be reunited … Continued

Most Holy Trinity

This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. The mystery of the Holy Trinity is one of the fundamental doctrines of faith in Christianity. The Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity consists of this: the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are … Continued

Rest in Peace, Mom.

Dear Parish Family, We had a beautiful celebration of Deacon Dave Etters’ diaconal ordination last weekend.  If you haven’t already, please give him your personal congratulations the next time you see him! I do have some sad news to share.  My mother, Lolita Canoy, passed away earlier this week.  As you read these words, I … Continued

I Believe in the Holy Spirit

“Pentecost” means fiftieth day, it was the second of the three most important Jewish Feasts. As a conclusion of the harvest, the first fruits of the barley harvest were waved before the Lord in offering. For the Jews it was a day of gratitude and a day of thanksgiving for the completion of the harvest. … Continued

Pentecost Healing Service

Dear Parish Family, I am happy to announce that we have a newly ordained deacon:  Rev. Mr. David Etters!  Please join us in congratulating Deacon Dave (that has a nice ring to it)!  There will be a reception after the 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Masses at which Deacon Dave will be serving.  Both Deacon … Continued