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From the Desk of Joseph Gruber, FOCUS Parish Missionary

Greetings, Saint John Parish! Why might you want to spend 5 days with me in St. Louis this January 2 nd through 6 th ? Well, besides the obvious reasons that my wife and I enjoy your company and would be delighted to spend time with you, a big reason is that January 2nd through … Continued

From the Desk of Dcn. Dave Etters, 9/18/22

Sunrise, Sunset The 1971 film Fiddler on the Roof, which won an Oscar for best music, featured the moving song Sunrise, Sunset.  The scene is a Jewish wedding where the entire community, each holding a candle, processes at sundown to the wedding site where the groom, in black suit and top hat, is waiting for … Continued

From the Desk of Shayne Slough, Director of Parish Life, 9/11/22

Dear Parishioners, 1856. In this year, the “Mother Church of Jackson” laid its cornerstone, and from that moment on, parish life at St. John the Evangelist Parish began! Now, in 2022, we have over 50 active Service Ministries, Faith Formation opportunities, and Councils/ Committees! The majority of those are described here in our handbook. So … Continued