The Alpha Course Kicks Off!

Dear Parish Family, The Alpha Course began on Wednesday evening, October 7 with over 100 people strong!  It was beautiful to see so many of our parishioners come together to open wide our doors of hospitality for their fellow parishioners and newcomers who are exploring the big questions of life and the person of Jesus … Continued

Be One of the One Hundred!

Dear Parish Family, Our Pope Francis Initiative is going full speed ahead. We are hoping that our beloved pope will inspire new people or those who have fallen away from the Catholic faith of their childhood to come home, their spiritual home of St. John Parish!  As you may have heard in my homily last … Continued

The Pope Francis Initiative!

Dear Parish Family, If I was presiding at the Mass you celebrated last Sunday, you heard me speak about applying the lesson from the second reading (James 5:1-6) about being “doers of the word and not hearers only” by taking part in the new Pope Francis Initiative I announced.  As a number of people were … Continued


Dear Parish Family, The send-off dinner we had for our seminarian intern, Mark Martin, was a wonderful time for all.  While many were involved, I particularly want to thank Cindy Smith, Jeanne Barrett, Dave & Marcia Etters, Linda LaRowe, Susie Powers, and some Knights of Columbus who did the lion’s share of the planning and … Continued

Wishing Suzzanne All the Best!

Dear Parish Family, She was the mainstay and face of St. John Parish as parishioners and guests walked into the parish office.  You may have heard the sad news that our beloved Suzzanne Sinkovitz has decided to resign after twenty years with us!  Upon hearing of her decision, you can be sure I repeatedly tried … Continued