Dear Parish Family, The send-off dinner we had for our seminarian intern, Mark Martin, was a wonderful time for all.  While many were involved, I particularly want to thank Cindy Smith, Jeanne Barrett, Dave & Marcia Etters, Linda LaRowe, Susie Powers, and some Knights of Columbus who did the lion’s share of the planning and … Continued

Wishing Suzzanne All the Best!

Dear Parish Family, She was the mainstay and face of St. John Parish as parishioners and guests walked into the parish office.  You may have heard the sad news that our beloved Suzzanne Sinkovitz has decided to resign after twenty years with us!  Upon hearing of her decision, you can be sure I repeatedly tried … Continued

Who in Your Life Needs Jesus?

Dear Parish Family, Who in your life needs Jesus?  In some ways, I ask a stupid question.  Everyone needs Jesus because everyone needs God.  He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  We all yearn to discover the way to happiness, the truth of who we are, and the fullness of life.  The beautiful … Continued

The God Who Cares

When a project is completed usually the taskforce will sit down and evaluate the results and drawbacks of their execution. Jesus also did the same with his team of disciples. The disciples had returned from their missionary journey. With the authority and power of Jesus they cast out demons, healed the sick and proclaimed the … Continued

Ready for Year Two!

Dear Parish Family, My first weekend here at St. John as your pastor was on June 28, 2014.  While on vacation last week, I was able to reflect on the many blessings of my first full year.  It has been a delight to get to know so many of our parishioners through the 21 Jackson … Continued