Epiphany of the Lord

From our Director of Faith Formation, Todd Gale… In the second chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, we read that the Magi traveled from the east when they saw a dazzling star that led them to worship the Christ child. We call this Epiphany. What exactly led them to Bethlehem has been debated for centuries: a comet, … Continued

Feast of the Holy Family

From our FOCUS Missionary, Joseph Gruber… Merry Christmas, people of St. John the Evangelist and St. Joseph Oratory! And especially, happy Feast of the Holy Family! Have you ever noticed that the 10 Commandments come in a set of three and a set of seven, one set devoted to God and the other devoted to our neighbor? The … Continued

Christmas Greetings

From our Pastor, Fr. Chas Canoy… MERRY CHRISTMAS! Dear Parishioners & Visitors, The Prince of Peace is born!  If you are like many in our world today, you often find yourself going 100 mph through life, accompanied by the drama going on in our workplace and in our extended family; moreover, our country and our … Continued

Advent Through the Eyes of Simeon

From the desk of Deacon Dave Etters… Advent – a time of hope and waiting. The people of Israel had hoped longingly for their Messiah.  And they waited…and waited, and they waited some more. I have a difficult time waiting in a grocery line, but the collective waiting of Israel spanned centuries!  Israel’s expectant hope … Continued

Jesus is Going to Show Up

From our Coordinator of Youth Faith Formation, Clare DeWitt… Dear St. John Family,  In my past four years of doing ministry, there has never been a time when right before a big event, retreat, or program that I don’t feel a little nervous. All the time, energy, planning that has gone into creating something that … Continued